Bank Guarantee

The Bank Guarantee is a document issued by the Bank, embodied in a credit operation by signature, by which we constitute ourselves a guarantor vis-à-vis Third Parties.

(Beneficiary) of obligations or facts assumed by our Client (Originator), and we honor these commitments in the event of their default.

Technical Guarantees
Segment: SMEs and Large Companies.
Financial Guarantees

Can have the following terms:
Without expiry date;
With a fixed term or expiry date;
With a term of validity that is automatically renewed, unless notice of termination is given, for equal periods.

Individuals or Legal Entities wishing to guarantee compliance with their obligations through Bank Guarantees.

Alternative Products
Security Deposit;
Letter of Credit;

Replaces the constitution of a security deposit in favor of a beneficiary, avoiding the immobilization of funds;
Competitive cost;
The Bank Guarantee collateralized by a term deposit is an alternative way for surplus companies to make the most of their cash.

For more information, visit one of our Branches, Business Centers or call our Customer Service line +244 225 679 800